The lights are on, and someone is, most definitely at home (as we all are at this current time) ...
Do what makes you happy in these trying times lovely people, and as always, thanks for checking out my progress ...

Lots of chunky, luscious, thick, shiny textures here as shown above. Never looks the same when you take pic head on ... not enough drama for me, and I do like a bit of drama :)

The library is soon to be 'built' up. The ornamental drinking fountain has been sketched in, and a vague phone box can now be seen. I do love phone boxes and post boxes ... don't you? They are just ... red and interesting and cute! I was supposed to be (in my mind) doing a painting that was simple, not too much details, and just blacks and greys with a pop of colour - not sure I have managed this task. I just love bold colour!
Stay safe peeps, and if you've not signed up to my website, give it a whirl, it'l cost you nothing and I want bombard you! Feel free to get in contact, or leave me a message, let me know what you think?
I will be shutting site down for maintenance on 29th December, but back again in New Year!
If I don't get the chance to say ...
Keep smiling! Stay Safe! Eat lots! Drink lots! Spread some cheer!
Best as always
Tarn xx
