At long last the end is here...
I bet you are all so pleased that you don't have to look at any more bricks and mortar, and think of some nice comments (tee hee)!
Well, I have to say - 'so am I' ..... Its taken a long time this one, but ive enjoyed it (in the main). It's had its challenges. Thank you to my work buddies for sharing lots of useful suggestions with me last week, but sorry I didn't use any of them :-)
You may just see this up in town somewhere in Saffron Walden soon, and if you know anyone in Bridge Street (or anywhere else in the world) that would like to make a purchase, please send them details of my website.
A new challenge awaits - possibly 'bubbles' and something a bit 'out there', and wild and funky I think - watch this space, and thanks again for checking in with me from time to time - You have all deserved a well rested break for a few weeks while I re-charge batteries and push on with some sketches for a kiddies book that I wrote a long long time ago and still haven't had time to complete.
Waffle waffle over and out! xxx