I just haven't shared until now...
I hope my followers are all safe and well?
I've been practising some techniques, so these are copies, only of stuff that I've loved, and thought I'd give it whirl myself. My 'space ones,' are my own, and I've loved losing myself in them. The stars, the uneven surfaces, the new textures, metallics are just the absolute bizzo - I love them!
It's all very exciting stuff in the 'world of Tarn'.

The 'lady' painting ...
Well! My knife work is normally so diabolical, that I would never dream, in a zillion years, of sharing such utter rubbish! Though this one however, has turned out really well ...

Cost me a bomb in paint though. It has rather a lot of layers (well I was practising) 😳...
and then ... once the background was finally achieved, the reality hit me ...
These black lines have got to be perfect 🤔 ... Oh the drama ...
If they aren't, this will ruin my background and knife work...
OK! Imagine the tension in the room (for those of you that know me well, you know you can feel this :-) ...
No pencil marks worked, as you couldn't see them (and if you rubbed them out, you'd see smudge marks) ... its gotta be exact ... I can do this, surely I thought...
Perhaps I delay it a few days ...
No! I can do this, so I did... I got a thin brush and just went for it...
I built up my lines, and got fairly lucky if I'm being honest. I confess, I made a number of background changes (of course I did) as, 'she' didn't stand out enough (and my background took over). But, I do love my new flair for some knife painting, and will endeavour some of my own stuff .... Oooh, I highly recommend bubblewrap too (I just have a real thing for a circular 'splodge,' it would seem) ...
And finally .... another naughty copy, just for practice. Fishes and underwater 'fabulousness,' naturally with a few bubbles .... Loved doing this one, it's soooo bright, and a massive canvas to cover, 100cm x 70cm. Took a long time, but again, lots of different textures used, mega bright colours, and I love my clown fish. A photo doesn't do it justice, it has totally revamped my lounge!
The Finale!

The 'bubbles' have given me the bug to paint more .... Bubbles!
I still have Thaxted to finish (poor Thaxted has been on the back burner for a while). I'm also thinking of a happy seaside scene, must have a look through my jolliday's pics. Chums, I ask you, if you have some of 'us' on a beach, do post them on to me?
Watch this space lovely people. I hope you're all keeping busy in these difficult times. Maybe it's time to pick up a paintbrush and see what happens? Be great to see some of your work if you do, so please do email me. I will post your expertise on my website, if you would like me to, just let me know? :-)
Stay safe everyone ❤ xxx